miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012


DAY 1: Day one consisted of bringing the bike completely apart. I started off by removing the oil and gas from the tank. Right after that I pulled everything out in the following order:

  • Exhaust
  • Pedals
  • Air filter
  • Carburetor
  • Drive chain
  • Engine
  • Rear Carrier
  • Seat
  • Gas tank
  • Right plastic panel (fake gas tank)
  • Rear mudguard
  • Front mudguard
  • Accelerator
  • Brake levers
  • Handlebar
  • Front Wheel
  • Front suspension
  • Rear Wheel
  • Rear suspension
  • Remaining electric cables
  • Stand
After taking these parts off the bike I took the wheels apart, meaning I removed the tyres and brakes from the rims.

This whole process took just one day! Next is a series of pictures I took along the way.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012


Welcome to my restoration proyect blog! During the past years I have been fantasizing about bringing an old bike back to life. Since I'm no mechanic I decided to go with something small and as basic as I could find. For these reasons I believe a Little Honda will be ideal for me. This bike used to be very popular in Argentina and Uruguay back in the 70's and 80's I believe, so getting my hands on spares shouldn't be very difficult.
I found this bike on the local Ebay and the owner was a retired man who hasn't used it for years so naturally she won't start. He (previous owner) claims he had the cylinder redone and new piston inserted but a quick inspection at my local shop determined the bike has little to no compression. I'll have to open the engine up to see how bad it is. Right after I got the bike I made a list of the parts I need to replace and the parts I need to get fixed, unfortunately most of them I need to replace! The frame is pretty banged up and the front fork is poorly welded so first thing to do on this bike is bring it down to pieces and take the frame to the shop.